M.IN.T.OR. Industrial Installation and Organizational Techniques’, is a company that operates in the field of technical consulting, manufacture, assembly and maintenance of industrial plants in many industrial sectors. For over twenty years, the company has been working in the Oil & Gas industry, petrochemicals, chemicals, electricity and food production.

The company is characterized by its high performance and specialization in the supply of skid installations, in the manufacture, assembly and maintenance of boiler, piping systems, reactors, metal structures, ducts and columns, heat exchangers, as well as jackets and decks for the offshore industry.

La M.IN.T.OR. adhering to well-established procedures and with the support of an experienced and dynamic team, it operates and guarantees on every site excellent results in compliance with agreed safety standards and agreed timelines.

M.IN.T.OR. is a partner with proven reliability, committed to building long-lasting collaborations based on cultures and shared values.

Company Details
Birth March 1987
Holder Giuseppina Tettamanti
Administration P.I. Veronica Minato
Registered office Z.I. Macchiareddu - 5° Strada Traversa C - Assemini (Cagliari)
Manufacturing plant Z.I. Macchiareddu - 5° Strada Traversa C - Assemini (Cagliari)
Average Operating Force Technicians / employees: 35
Specialists / workers: 150


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